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Home Why Do You Receive Calls from Unexpected International Phone Numbers? What Is Their Source and Why Do You Get Them? How Can You Protect Yourself?

Why Do You Receive Calls from Unexpected International Phone Numbers? What Is Their Source and Why Do You Get Them? How Can You Protect Yourself?

It's highly likely that you've encountered a situation like this: You check your phone and find several missed calls that you didn't notice earlier. Upon reviewing the call log, you discover that these calls are from unfamiliar international numbers, and they don't belong to anyone you know. You may start guessing the reasons behind it. Perhaps the caller dialed your number by mistake, especially since some country codes can be similar. Or maybe a friend or relative overseas is trying to reach you in an emergency but can't afford the cost of an international call, hoping you'll call them back. You might also consider that the call could be from an international company trying to reach you for legitimate business reasons.

Reasons for receiving phone calls from random international numbers and how to deal with them

Reasons for receiving phone calls from random international numbers and how to deal with them

In this article, we discuss the phenomenon of mysterious international calls that you may receive from time to time, explaining their causes and what should be done about them.

However, in most cases, these calls are far from innocent. In fact, they are part of a global scam known as "Wangiri fraud" a Japanese term that literally translates to "one-ring fraud." This scam has become increasingly common in recent years, targeting individuals through short international calls that end after just one ring.

Wangiri fraud So, how does this scam work?

The concept is simple but highly effective. You receive a call from an unknown international number, and the caller hangs up before you can answer, leaving you curious about the caller's identity or the reason for the call. If you decide to return the call, you'll be redirected to premium services with extremely high charges, and in some cases, you may be charged exorbitant fees for every minute you stay on the line.

This scam preys on the victim's curiosity or even concern that the call might be from someone they know who needs help. This is where the danger lies—the scam relies on you initiating the return call, making you responsible for the high call costs.

Therefore, if you receive calls from unfamiliar international numbers, it's crucial to exercise caution. It's best not to call back such numbers and to look out for other signs of fraudulent activity associated with the call. Being cautious and taking your time to assess the situation is key to avoiding falling victim to this type of scam.
Wangiri fraud So, how does this scam work?

Missed calls trap from international numbers

This scam exploits the natural curiosity of individuals when they receive a phone call from an unknown number, especially if it's an international one. Typically, people feel a strong urge to find out who attempted to contact them, which often leads them to return the call to the unknown number. This is where the scam begins. Calling back a strange international number results in extremely high charges. While international calls are generally expensive, contacting scam numbers dramatically increases the cost. The price per minute can reach several dollars, making these calls a significant financial burden on the victim.

Scammers exploit our natural curiosity

This method of fraud is one of the common techniques used by scammers to achieve financial gains through illegal means. The process begins with a series of carefully planned steps designed to attract and exploit victims financially.

First, scammers use human-operated call centers or automated systems to make thousands of quick international calls to a large number of phone numbers. The call is ended before the other party has a chance to answer, leaving a missed call in the victim's phone log. Often, victims don't notice the missed call until some time has passed, which piques their curiosity.

The next step relies on human curiosity, as the scammers anticipate that some victims will call back the unknown number to find out why they missed the call. Once the victim calls back, they are directed to a pre-recorded voice message, on-hold music, or a call center agent who tries to keep them on the line for as long as possible. The goal here is to extend the call duration to increase additional charges on the victim's phone bill.

In other cases, scammers use more sophisticated methods. For example, they may hack into the internal phone systems of large companies and well-known organizations. They then exploit this breach to make thousands of automated calls to specific numbers they control. These numbers are linked to a financial system that collects money for the scammers.

While the financial losses for each individual victim may be small, when accumulated on a large scale, the total amount can be substantial, sometimes reaching millions of dollars.

The hidden cost behind this type of scam

The previous lines make it clear that calling scammers' numbers can cost them relatively high amounts compared to regular international calls, which might lead you to think that they are "operating at a loss". But how do scammers manage to profit from this? The answer lies in their use of a special type of numbers known as Premium Rate Numbers. These numbers have unique characteristics that set them apart from regular ones, such as imposing significantly higher charges compared to regular or international numbers. Moreover, the owners of these numbers receive a portion of the cost of each incoming call.

Premium rate numbers are available in most countries, and you may have noticed them in use during TV competitions, for example. Although these numbers are originally designed for legitimate services like helplines, inquiries, or emotional support, scammers abuse them to generate illicit profits.

Regarding the legal aspect of international call scams, most countries impose strict laws on the use of premium rate numbers. These numbers are usually only available to licensed companies and are subject to ongoing monitoring to prevent their misuse for fraud and deception. In some cases, owners of these numbers are even required to disclose the cost of the call in advance to prevent users from losing money unknowingly. However, combating this type of fraud remains a significant challenge for legal and regulatory authorities due to several factors, including the difficulty in tracing scammers who often use advanced techniques to hide their identities and real locations. Additionally, regulatory gaps exist in certain countries, especially in parts of Africa and South Asia, where laws governing premium rate numbers are less stringent. This allows almost anyone to obtain such numbers, which is often why international call scams originate from these regions.

What to do if you are fraudulent in this way?

International missed call scams are among the most dangerous and widespread types of fraud in today's digital world. As these scams have become more common, various claims and misconceptions have surfaced, particularly on social media. One of the most widespread beliefs is that answering an unknown international call can result in your photos or personal data being stolen simply by picking up the call. This claim has no scientific or technical basis; it is merely a rumor meant to spread fear among users.

Another myth suggests that answering such calls exposes you to harmful sounds or that scammers can hypnotize victims, which is entirely untrue and not supported by any credible evidence.

The truth is that scammers' calls cannot hack your phone or steal your data just by answering. The real danger lies in the high costs that may be charged if you return the call to those international numbers. These calls can cause significant deductions from your balance, especially if the numbers belong to paid services or countries with high call charges.

To protect yourself from this type of scam, you should avoid returning calls from unknown international numbers, even if they call repeatedly. If your work requires receiving international calls, it's best to use apps like "Truecaller" to verify the identity of the caller before answering or returning the call.

If you have already fallen victim to this scam by returning a call to an unknown international number and have lost a large amount of credit, there are some important steps to take. If the fraud is local, you can report it to the police, who will investigate with local service providers and may take legal action against the scammers. However, in the case of international fraud, the investigation becomes much more complicated due to the challenges of international cooperation and coordination with authorities in the country where the scammer is based.

In some cases, telecom companies may compensate users who have been affected by this type of scam, but such compensation is rare and usually occurs in cases of large-scale fraud targeting a significant number of users. In individual cases, obtaining compensation can be complex and is usually only possible in countries with strong and advanced consumer protection systems.

Other types of telephone fraud

While fraud through missed international calls is one of the most common forms of phone fraud, it is not the only type that we should be wary of. There are a variety of other methods that scammers use to achieve their goals, and it’s important to be aware of them to avoid falling into their traps.

1. Fraud Using Malware
One of the popular methods used by scammers involves the use of malware or hacking techniques. Through these methods, hackers can take control of phone systems or networks belonging to companies or organizations. When these systems are managed by computers, the hacker can exploit this access to make repeated calls to premium numbers they own, all without the company realizing what is happening.

2. Exploiting Smartphone Applications
Another common method involves exploiting smartphone applications. Scammers create apps that resemble popular and well-liked applications, claiming that these modified versions offer additional features. For example, the app “WhatsApp Plus” has been reported as one of the suspicious applications.

In these malicious apps, scammers incorporate malware that allows them to secretly send text messages to international service numbers they own. To conceal these activities from users, scammers delete these (often expensive) messages from the phone’s log, making it difficult for users to detect the fraud.

3. Modern Security Restrictions
Fortunately, these methods of fraud have become more difficult to execute in recent times. Recent versions of operating systems like Android and iOS have imposed strict restrictions on app access to sensitive functions. For instance, explicit user permission is required to make calls or send text messages, which helps reduce the chances of exploiting vulnerabilities.

In light of the continuous evolution of fraud techniques, it is crucial to remain aware of the methods used and take necessary precautions. Whether it’s by avoiding suspicious applications or being cautious when dealing with unknown calls and messages, we can reduce the risks of falling victim to phone fraud.

Not all international calls are scam attempts

Fraud using missed calls from international numbers is considered one of the most common forms of phone scams, but it is not the only method. These types of scams rely on deceiving consumers in various ways. One of the most prominent techniques is direct deception, where scammers use numbers from countries such as the United States or European nations to instill a sense of trust in the recipient.

Once the victim answers the call, scammers resort to tactics like threats or intimidation, or they attempt to convince the victim to purchase a specific product under various pretexts. For instance, some scammers impersonate customer service representatives from well-known companies like Microsoft, convincing victims to buy a "powerful protection program" on the pretext that their devices are at risk.

As technology evolves, so too do the methods of fraud, which necessitates that we remain vigilant and informed about how to act in such situations. Prevention is the best defense against these types of scams, and it is crucial to understand how they operate and adopt safe practices when using phones.

Always remember: if something seems suspicious or too good to be true, it likely is. By enhancing our awareness and being cautious, we can reduce the chances of falling victim to such frauds and protect ourselves and our personal information.
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