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Discover 12 countries where you can legally obtain and purchase citizenship

Many individuals seek new opportunities beyond the borders of their home countries, and immigration is a common option to achieve this. The motivations behind this decision can be diverse and complex, encompassing economic, social, and political reasons. For instance, some may strive to improve their standard of living or escape difficult conditions such as wars or oppression. However, if a person does not have dual citizenship, they may face significant challenges in traveling between countries.
Discover 12 countries where you can legally obtain and purchase citizenship

How to Buy Your Citizenship? 12 Countries That Allow You to Obtain a New Passport

In recent years, many countries have introduced programs to attract immigrants by offering citizenship in exchange for financial investments or direct payments. According to Forbes magazine, there are 12 countries where people can legally purchase citizenship. These countries offer a variety of options that allow individuals to obtain permanent residency or citizenship through specific financial investments or investment projects.

Key Countries Where Citizenship Can Be Purchased

New Zealand

New Zealand is one of the destinations that provides various options for obtaining citizenship. The most straightforward method is to invest $2 million in real estate within a maximum period of four years.


To obtain Austrian citizenship, you must belong to a select group of wealthy individuals, as you need to be prepared to invest approximately $3.5 million. Of course, you can reside in EU countries and access over 180 countries without needing a visa.

State of Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda, a country composed of two islands, welcomes all foreigners who wish to live in the Caribbean. They have reduced the price of their passport. By contributing $100,000 to the country’s development fund and purchasing property, you can obtain passports for a typical family.

State of Cyprus

You can also purchase citizenship in Cyprus by accessing the investment program and depositing $2.5 million in real estate and donations. You will live by the Mediterranean Sea and can travel visa-free to 174 countries.

State of Dominica

This small island in the Caribbean allows you to obtain citizenship if you invest in the Economic Diversification Fund or in sustainable luxury hotels and resorts.

State of Grenada

Located north of Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada’s citizenship will allow you to enter 130 countries without a visa. To qualify, you can contribute $150,000 to the National Transformation Fund through Grenada's citizenship by investment program. You can also obtain it by purchasing selected properties for a minimum value of $350,000.

State of Malta

To acquire Maltese citizenship, you must invest $1.2 million in donations and property purchases. Naturally, you will be a citizen of the European Union.


Portugal has a Golden Visa program through which you can obtain citizenship by donating to the Directorate of Arts and Culture in Portugal, investing in a company, or purchasing real estate. Additionally, you must pass a history exam about the country.

State of Saint Lucia

Since 2015, the island has offered its citizenship and has already issued passports to over 700 individuals since then. In May 2020, they reduced the cost by 50%. Until the end of 2023, you can purchase citizenship for $250,000 per person, or for $300,000 for a family of four.

State of Saint Kitts and Nevis

The islands of Saint Kitts and Nevis offer a 23% discount on obtaining citizenship, allowing you to travel to Italy and the UK without a visa. The contribution is $150,000 to the Sustainable Growth Fund of Saint Kitts and Nevis, plus a minimum investment of $200,000 in real estate.

State of Vanuatu

In this country located 1,600km east of Australia, you can obtain citizenship for a family of four through a development support program. Therefore, you must donate an irrecoverable amount of $180,000.


Turkey allows you to purchase citizenship by investing $250,000 in property.

The decision to immigrate and purchase citizenship is a significant step that requires careful research and planning. Understanding the motivations behind this decision and choosing the right country can greatly impact your future. Invest the time in research and analysis to ensure that you make an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations and personal goals.

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