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Home Mastering the use of ChatGPT in the style of professional commands: 8 skills with examples for each

Mastering the use of ChatGPT in the style of professional commands: 8 skills with examples for each

To effectively use ChatGPT or any AI chatbot, merely asking questions isn't enough; it requires a set of refined skills.

Here, I will outline 8 essential skills, each accompanied by a practical example.
Here are 8 skills with examples to master the use of ChatGPT or any artificial intelligence in the style of professional commands

Mastering ChatGPT with Professional Commands

ChatGPT, an advanced language model from OpenAI, can handle a wide range of tasks—from text generation and translation to creating various types of creative content.

So, how can you leverage ChatGPT effectively and professionally?

This article will introduce you to 8 crucial skills, complete with practical examples, to help you master using ChatGPT with professional commands.

Here are 8 skills with examples to master the use of ChatGPT or any artificial intelligence in the style of professional commands

▪️Skill Setting the goal: Define the goal of your question precisely

•Before asking, write a list of what exactly you want to know
•Select "What and why you want to know"
•Prioritize questions

Instead of "Tell me about education"
It can be said:
"Give me three examples of the impact of modern technology on secondary education"

▪️Communication skill: Choose the appropriate words for conversation

If you don't use the right words, ChatGPT may misunderstand the question and give inappropriate answers.

•Use specific and clear expressions.
•Use technical terminology accurately.
•Provide context and background information.

Instead of "Is education useful?"
It can be said:
"List three ways in which the quality of education is improved using technology in higher education"

▪️ Listening skill: understanding the answers accurately and delving into them

If you don't understand ChatGPT's answers accurately and don't ask appropriate follow-up questions, you won't get the information you want.

Read the answers carefully and identify unclear points.
•Prepare questions asking for additional examples or details.
•Quote part of the answer and ask for further clarification.

"Could you explain in more detail how technology affects student interaction?"
"Can you provide a practical example of this impact in primary education?"

▪️Skill Critical Thinking: Evaluate answers critically

By evaluating the accuracy and reliability of ChatGPT answers, you get quality information

•Check the logic and consistency of the answers.
•Ask for sources or evidence.
•Make sure there are different opinions or dissent.

"What is the source of this information about the impact of technology on education?"
"Are there any dissenting opinions?"

▪️ Logical thinking skill: analyzing the problem in an organized manner

By organizing the problem and without repetition, you can get comprehensive and effective answers from ChatGPT.

•Divide the problem into large frames.
•Prepare detailed questions for each category.
•Make sure all sides are covered.

"Explain the impact of technology on: 1. the academic aspect, 2. Social interaction, 3. Professional development of teachers. List the three most important points for each side."

▪️Skill Adaptive thinking: Dealing flexibly with situations

ChatGPT answers may be unexpected. You should be flexible and able to adjust your questions according to the answers.

•Unexpected answers are accepted as new perspectives.
•Be prepared to change the direction of questions based on the answers.
• Expand your thinking horizons and try different methods.

"That's an interesting perspective. So, how can we redefine the impact of technology on curriculum development?"

▪️ Creativity skill in asking questions

Creative questions can open new horizons and extract unexpected or deep information.

•Don't be afraid to ask unconventional questions.
•Try new angles to ask.
• Combine different topics in one question.

"How can educational games be used to improve the critical thinking skills of high school students?"

▪️Documentation and follow-up skill

Documenting conversations and following up on important points ensures that you don't lose valuable information and can refer to it later.

•Keep a record of important questions and answers.
•Return to previous conversations when needed to confirm information.
•Follow open points and request updates if necessary.

"I would like to follow up on the points we discussed earlier regarding the impact of technology on the education of children with special needs."

With these skills, you can master the use of ChatGPT professionally and get your tasks done efficiently.
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