When we gaze into the sky, we witness the passage of numerous satellites before our eyes. In reality, there is a substantial number of these devices orbiting the Earth, deployed by humans to provide various vital tools, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) and internet communication services through the Starlink network.
Now see all the satellites that pass in space above your home by imaging satellites in current Earth orbit So, you may be wondering when you take a look at the sky about the satellite passing over your home at that exact moment. This is quite common information, as we can locate each satellite at a given time based on its orbit.
See all the satellites in space that now pass over your home
Low Earth Orbit Visualization
- To access this information, you can visit the "Low Earth Orbit Visualization" website, which uses LEO technology.
By clicking on each one, you can check details about the satellite, such as its name, type, and ID, along with the distance between it and its orbit. This provides us with a glimpse of the number of space debris in orbit at the current time. You can also use the menu on the left to filter information based on your interests. It's also intriguing to check the "Debris" option to color all space debris in pink, which appears in surprising quantities.
In general, you can choose the speed of movement for elements on the map and customize the display of information, such as coloring them based on the type of object, speed, or tilt. This allows for a complete change of the icons representing satellites, along with a legend in the upper right corner
With the available filters, you can differentiate based on the tilt range, height, or even the country of origin for the satellites. In some countries like the United States, the constellation will be surrounded by various shapes representing objects. However, the situation is different when selecting certain countries as they are not available.