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Wondering how to boost your website's organic rankings and enhance its visibility in search results? Whether you own a website or work closely with websites and blogs, you've likely contemplated the significance of promoting your project. In this article, we will guide you on how to attract a larger audience to your website without incurring any costs.
Top 10 Free SEO Tools You Should Know About
The Top 10 Free SEO Tools

What Do SEO Tools Actually Refer To?

SEO tools play a pivotal role in evaluating your website's performance and overall health. Whether you require an assessment of your website's speed, responsiveness, backlink analysis, keyword research, or competitor analysis, SEO tools streamline these tasks, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

For marketers, website owners, and business proprietors, having at least one SEO tool in your arsenal simplifies the process of identifying opportunities to enhance your website's organic rankings and search visibility.

What's even more advantageous is that you don't have to invest in premium SEO tools since there is a plethora of high-quality, free SEO tools at your disposal.

Given the abundance of free SEO tools, it's essential to focus on the best and most valuable options to incorporate into your toolkit.

Boost Your Website's Organic Ranks and Enhance Search Exposure: Proven Strategies

Animalz Revive

Animalz Revive
Ensuring your content remains up-to-date is a fundamental aspect of SEO. Animalz Revive is a valuable tool for identifying which content requires refreshing.

Revive is a free tool from Animalz that helps website owners improve the performance of old content by refreshing it and adding new information to it.

Animalz Revive works by analyzing website content using Google Analytics data, and then identifying pages that have lost traffic in the past 12 months. The site then sends a report to the user with a list of pages that need to be refreshed.

Ahrefs Backlink Checker

Ahrefs Backlink Checker

Ahrefs' Backlink Checker offers a hassle-free way to access the top 100 backlinks for any website or URL, eliminating the need for additional tools. This tool proves highly advantageous for teams looking to conduct competitive SEO audits on various web pages and sites without incurring extra costs.

Additionally, it offers valuable insights into keyword research and identifies linkable content that competitors are leveraging, which your team can potentially adopt and experiment with. Furthermore, it presents essential data such as the top five most linked-to pages on the website, the leading five anchor texts, and the comprehensive count of backlinks and referring sites.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics
Google Analytics is used by Millions of individuals worldwide, a robust and complimentary tool seamlessly integrated with other Google services such as Optimize, Search Console, and Data Studio. It offers user-friendly functionality. Although Google asserts that the data collected isn't utilized for search result ranking, certain users express privacy concerns while employing GA.

Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio
Google Data Studio is a free data analytics tool from Google that allows users to create interactive reports and dashboard views from multiple data sources. They can be used to analyze data from a wide range of sources, including Google Analytics, BigQuery, Google Sheets, and Google Cloud Platform.

When it comes to aggregating data from various sources, presenting it, and sharing it, Google Data Studio is the go-to choice. Explore Lee Hurst's Google Data Studio Resources to discover a wide range of free SEO tools and customizable dashboards you can create.

Moz Link Explorer

Moz Link Explorer
Link Explorer, boasting an impressive 35 trillion links, stands as the undisputed leader in both size and accuracy when it comes to link databases. It is also the most dependable tool for analyzing Domain Authority (DA) and backlinks within the current SEO landscape. Furthermore, the free account grants users the ability to conduct up to 10 searches per month, with access to 50 rows of data for each search. This invaluable resource can also provide essential link metrics while you navigate the web.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer
If you haven't yet explored Moz's incredible keyword research tool, it's time to familiarize yourself with it. Moz offers a vast database of 500 million keyword ideas, all accompanied by the industry's most precise volume range. Moreover, it provides valuable insights such as keyword difficulty scores and click-through rate (CTR) data. Even with a free community membership, you can conduct ten monthly searches, each yielding up to 1000 keyword recommendations and comprehensive SERP analysis.


AnswerThePublic is a free search tool that helps you discover the questions people ask about a particular topic. The tool uses search suggestion data from search engines like Google and Bing to create a list of common questions on any topic.

Voice search introduces complexity to the keyword landscape by constantly generating new long-tail keywords. This application scours blog posts, social media content, and diverse forums to extract questions, subsequently transforming them into valuable keywords. This resource proves invaluable for refining keyword strategies across various businesses.


A Detailed website is a platform that offers an array of powerful tools and features designed for optimizing search engine performance, commonly known as SEO.

Created by the brilliant marketing strategist Glen Allsopp, Detailed stands out as an exceptional link research engine, setting it apart from other similar tools in the market. It delivers an in-depth analysis of connections within some of the internet's most significant sectors. Detailed's strength lies in its ability to simplify the complex task of reverse engineering success, making it more efficient. Additionally, be sure not to overlook Glen Allsopp's remarkable newsletter, which offers valuable insights and updates.

Mobile First Index Checker

Mobile First Index Checker

The Mobile First Index Checker is a complimentary tool , designed to assist website owners in determining the readiness of their sites for migration to Mobile First Indexing. Mobile website versions can vary significantly from their desktop counterparts. Given Google's shift in indexing priority towards mobile-first, it's crucial to maintain consistency in key aspects across both platforms.

Google My Business

Google My Business
Google My Business is a valuable, free service provided by Google, designed specifically for local businesses. It empowers businesses to establish a prominent presence on Google Maps and search results through the creation of a detailed business listing. This listing enables businesses to take charge of the information presented to potential customers, including crucial details like company address, contact number, operating hours, visual content, and customer ratings.

For those residing in areas where Google's reach extends, this tool holds immense significance in the realm of Local SEO. It's pivotal to ensure your business is listed and actively engage with customer reviews, and Google My Business facilitates precisely that. Claiming your company's profile marks a crucial initial step, serving as the cornerstone for future endeavors in the realm of local SEO.

This article was about Top 10 Free SEO Tools You Should Know About To top the search results , We hope you benefit from it in your current and future work. 
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