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Is your Twitter account suspended? Here's how to file an appeal properly, Twitter account recovery

Is your Twitter account suspended? Here's how to file an appeal in a regular way
Twitter account suspended 

On February 1st of last year, Twitter officially announced a new process for suspended accounts to appeal for reinstatement, which represented a significant change to Twitter's policy on account suspension. It was noted that accounts that engaged in illegal activity, threats of harm or violence, widespread spamming, or platform manipulation outside of the account would still be suspended. Going forward, Twitter would only suspend accounts due to serious or repeated violations of its policies.

Now, according to a tweet from the Twitter Safety team, the company is working to provide responses to account appeals in less than 48 hours in most cases, with users being asked to submit appeals directly rather than having someone else submit an appeal on their behalf. They also mentioned some tips for submitting a successful appeal, which we have summarized below:

Tips for getting a successful appeal for a suspended Twitter account:

Explain the policy violation that led to the suspension, or if you're unsure, ask for the reason for the account suspension. The reason for the suspension will soon be displayed on the account page, with email notifications continuing to be sent. Notify Twitter if you believe the suspension was a mistake or if you acknowledge the policy violation and are taking steps to avoid similar violations in the future. Appeals without this information are likely to be rejected. Account suspensions are now reserved for serious policy violations, so some may not be eligible for reinstatement. Most policy violations will result in access restrictions to content rather than account suspension, with a goal of maintaining a very low error rate for account suspension procedures.

Explain how to file an appeal for suspended accounts on Twitter in a regular manner:

You can submit an appeal to reinstate your suspended account via the warning message that appears while opening the Twitter application and click on.. submit an appeal..

Is your Twitter account suspended? Here's how to file an appeal properly, Twitter account recovery
As you can see in the screenshot above...your information is entered automatically..then a description of the problem or question can be entered for the Twitter team..then press on..submit...and authenticate..

Another way if the first one didn't work

  • To submit an appeal regarding a locked or suspended account, please follow this link. OR Via this second link
  • You will be asked to log in to your suspended account if you haven't already. You will then be presented with an appeal form, so please fill it out with the required information and provide a detailed explanation of why you believe your account was suspended in error, taking into account the previously mentioned tips. Finally, Twitter will review your appeal and respond with a decision, which as noted, may take up to 48 hours.
It is important to note that Twitter may take less severe actions, such as limiting access to policy-violating tweets or requiring you to remove tweets before being able to continue using your account, with account suspension being reserved for serious or repeated violations of the company's policies. In rare cases, Twitter may allow controversial content or behavior that may violate its policies to remain on the site because it believes the public is interested in seeing both sides of the issue. A multi-functional team evaluates each case individually before making a decision, and Twitter's new philosophy is documented on this help page.

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