If you love reading books but don't find enough time to sit down and start reading an e-book or paper, you can listen to audiobooks at any time, such as traveling, working at the computer, or driving a car.
1- LibriVox website:
LibriVox has a large collection of free audiobooks, which are recordings of the voice of volunteer people for a group of books in different fields.You can find an audiobook through the search tool, and type the title of a specific book, the name of the author, the subject of the book, or the language.
- Or browse all the books on the site under the (Browse the catalog) section, then choose the audiobook you want to hear.
- After selecting a specific book and clicking on its name, you will be taken to a page with the description of the book, and the chapters of the book are available within separate audio recordings, you can listen to the chapters individually directly from the site without having to download them.
These books are also available in the site's LibriVox Audio Books app, which is available for iPhone users in the App Store, and for Android users in the Google Store.
2- Internet Archive website:
Internet Archive has a large number of free audiobooks that you can browse by the main topic you're talking about, or search for a specific book using the built-in search tool.
This site divides books into groups according to their main topic, and after choosing a group, you will be taken to a page that displays all the books in the collection with an indication of the number of times the book is viewed, making it easier to find the most popular books.
Some books are available in multiple formats so that you can download the same book in MP3 or OGG format, for example.
3- Loyal Books:
You can browse audiobooks on the Loyal Book website by language, or go to the "Top 100 Books" section, or within one of the other sections that categorize books by genre, such as: Children's books, (Fiction), (Fantasy) and many others.
You can listen to these books on the same site, download them as MP3 files if you want to listen to specific chapters, download the entire audiobook in the form of a zip file (ZIP), or download it in an M4B file for iPhone and iPad.
All books are also available in the site's Loyal Books app, which is available for iPhone users in the App Store, and for Android users in the Google Store for free.
4- Storynory website:
You can download audiobooks directly from the site or use Apple Podcasts to listen to Storynory's podcasts. Or download the site's Storynory – Audio Stories app, which is available to iPhone users only on the App Store for two dollars and 99 cents.